Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's the 2nd day of the New year and I am no further with figuring out the whole blogging thing but I'm gonna type anyway. I've heard that you can make money by doing this and if you can then this is the job for me. I could type about random crap all day long! Now if I could just figure out how to make money at it!'s atypical Sunday around the Collins house hold. Allie is reading a book on her Pandigital, Mac is still snoozing, John is on the couch watching football, Tripp is watching football while waiting on a friend to come over to play and I am bored! I am currently listening to my husband argue with Tripp and Allie about why their pocket knives were taken away. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my daddy for giving the kids pocket knives for Christmas, it's a gift that keeps on giving! Ofcourse, I wouldn't trade the memories of my kids and my daddy thinking they are getting away with something when he let them pick out their knives for anything. I adore watching my kids with their Grandpa! I wish I could have had the chance to watch my mama with all 3 of the kids. As much as she loved Allie I know that she would have adored the boys! As much as she spoiled my brothers she would have really ruined my boys! I'm just praying that we get moved back to Oakboro in time for the kids to have several years being close to Grandpa! Now to just get John motivated to get started on cleaning up the house. That may take some work. Maybe after wrestling season.

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